
Saturday 29 June 2013


Fechu who is the main character in the film is a nice outgoing guy that everybody likes but like most people has enemies. The people who wish him harm always try to catch him at his worst in order to expose his true colors; an irresponsible bad guy they think he is. Who better for the job of finding out a man’s character than a woman? And that’s exactly what they did. A woman who pretends to be blind comes his way in a planned coincidence. She becomes his friend and because he thinks she is blind he is always himself with her.

“So far the film has been accepted pretty well by audiences. They clap and shout at the end,” said Samuel Debebe, one of the producers. The cast includes Zerihun Asmamaw, Helina Getachew and Kassahun Fesseha.

The film took six month to complete. “We had some problems while we were shooting the film; we had a problem with the sound; we had to work 24 hours without sleep sometimes to fix that problem,” said Samuel. The film was made by Truth Film Production and produced by Zerihun Asmamaw, Samuel Debebe and Enderias Teklu. It has cost around 400,000 birr to make.

Click here to watch part 1

Click here to watch part 2

Click here to watch part 3

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